Facilitator Signup

List of Dynamic Facilitators in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

The mission of Dynamic Facilitation e. V. is to make the Dynamic Facilitation (DF) method known and to bring it into use. In addition, we are committed to ensuring the quality of DF.

Therefore, we provide a list of trained Dynamic Facilitators on our website in order to connect companies, organizations, institutions and communities that want to work with Dynamic Facilitation with qualified DFers.

Who can register

Any Dynamic Facilitator who has completed a DF training with a certified DF Instructor (proof required) can register on the Facilitator List. The registration is valid for three years and can be renewed for another three years.

The cost of registration:

  • 120,- € for listing for individuals (registration with personal photo)
  • 500,- € for the listing for companies and organizations (registration with company logo)
  • one-time 30,- € for the registration and provision of the profile
  • In case of renewal of the registration, only the listing fee of 120,- € or 500,- € for another three years will be charged.

Members of Dynamic Facilitation e. V. pay no registration fee, only the listing fee.

If you are interested in being included in our list of facilitators, please fill out the form below and upload the relevant evidence as a pdf. You decide whether you also want to publish a profile photo of yourself.

After sending, your application will be checked by us. After that you will receive an invoice for registration and listing fee. When we have received the amount, your profile will be activated in the list and you will be visible as Dynamic Facilitator:in.

If you have any questions about your registration, please contact us at liste@dynamicfacilitation.org.

I would like to be included in the list of facilitators of the DF e.V.:

Registration as:

Please upload a square profile picture

Enter https:// inclusive.

Your education and knowledge

Bitte alle Nachweise weiter unten als PDF hochladen.
Ohne Nachweise, können wir Ihr Profil nicht veröffentlichen.

This information is for internal purposes only and will not be published.

This information is for internal purposes only and will not be published.

In which experience with DF is available. (Multiple selection possible)

(Multiple selection possible, please upload proof(s))

Please upload your certificate or certificates as proof*